Prepping first time buyers

Make your service irreplaceable

02 Oct 2015

Mortgage approvals are rising again, but are your clients prepared?  The most common question asked by a first-time buyer is how to prepare for a mortgage application. To make your task easier and save time, you can share with your clients our highly recommended mortgage survival kit.

It's the ideal checklist at any step of the property ladder!


 Atlas bears the weight of retirement expectations

Retirement planning has changed, but the income needs of retirees haven't. Santander Asset Management has come up with the ground-breaking Atlas Income Portfolio, which uses diversification and more flexibility to deliver enhanced income yields in the long term. The Portfolio targets an income yield of between 4 and 6%, managing risks while offering the potential for capital growth and preservation. Find out more about what makes the Atlas Income Portfolio different by reading the full article here


Equity release: from dirty words to clean sheets

Equity release is rebuilding its reputation and leaving a somewhat troubled past far behind. Today's equity release products are very different from those of the 1980s and 1990s, and you could argue that you now get more for your money. The practice still comes in for its fair share of criticism, but the fact remains that for many homeowners in later life it can be better value than the naysayers believe. Craig Colton of Aviva makes his case here.

Making your service more valuable

So your client has the perfect mortgage thanks to you - but how can you make your service truly unforgettable so you can get referred to others? Sharing home buying tips could make that one-time visitor into a regular client. Share our Home-buying cheat sheet to make life easier. 


 Sponsored Placement


All the ingredients for reduced investment volatility.

The PruFund range aims to provide smoothed returns, removing some of the day to day fluctuations associated with direct stock market investments. Every quarter we announce the growth expectations for each of the funds in our PruFund range.

This quarter our Expected Growth Rate (EGR) for the PruFund Growth Fund is 6.0%. We hope these EGRs can offer some re-assurance on what PruFund is likely to deliver to your clients.

The proof of the pudding…is in the eating.

We launched our PruFund Growth Fund in November 2004 with the aim to deliver smoothed investment returns, setting an initial EGR of 6.6%. Over 10 years the fund has achieved an actual annualised return of 6.9%. Providing quarterly updates on growth expectation has helped advisers to confidently continue recommending PruFund to clients, providing some reassurance at review time.

See all the ingredients for smoothed returns:



Category: Mortgages

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